Branding for a museum
Open air museum Usolye Stroganovskoe
Usolye Stroganovskoe
what is this
Usolye Stroganovskoye is an open-air museum, where buildings of different time and style have formed into a unique ensemble, which is a cultural heritage of the regional and all-Russian level. The average attendance of the museum is up to 50,000 people per year, including an audience of up to 18 years old - more than 10,000 people. The museum hosts creative exhibitions of international, all-Russian, regional levels, local authors, exchange inter-museum exhibitions together with cultural institutions of the Perm Region. The museum organizes scientific and practical conferences, seminars of local and regional scale, is a participant and winner of competitions of social and cultural projects. The history of Usolye is connected with the name of the Stroganovs. In the middle of the 16th century, the commercial and industrial activity of the Stroganovs from Solvychegodsk (where the founder of the Vychegodsk-Perm branch of the Stroganovs, A.F. Stroganov, created the largest salt industry in the country in the first half of the 16th century) was transferred to the Kama region, rich in natural resources, primarily salt brines.
"Usolye Stroganovskoye is not a typical territory. A large amount of historical heritage is concentrated here. Even visually, Usolye Stroganovskoye is a contrasting territory (architectural monuments coexist with the industrial landscape)".
  • Create a single visual identifier for the architectural complex of the future
    We are talking about the identification of the whole territory, not a separate museum. This territory will have many functions in addition to the museum: a recreational site, a historical center for Berezniki and Usolye, an area with specially protected landscapes, a tourist area, a venue for events, etc.
  • Make the image relevant and understandable for a modern audience
    One of the goals of the complex is to popularize the place, to establish cooperation with tour operators at the federal and international levels, to attract visitors from all over the world.
    Nowadays the complex is known in other regions of Russia and among local tour operators, but they include Usolye in the excursion program as part of one overview product related to Berezniki, Solikamsk, etc. The development plans include attracting an audience in Usolye as part of a separate tour.
  • Formation of a positive tourism brand
    Among the commercial purposes is the placement of the brand in souvenirs ordered by the museum for sale. An indicator of the quality of the project will be the possibility of its multifaceted use not only by the museum, but also by business structures involved in souvenir and food products, publishing, etc.

  • Do not use the archaic in the positioning of the territory
    A very important criterion is not to use the archaic in positioning the territory. "Historic" does not mean "old". One of the wishes: the refusal to use all visually archaic fonts and elements.
  • Take into account the main information carriers
    Among the main carriers of information can be website, social networks, tourist navigation, signs of an administrative institution, information stand of the facility, service signs, transport stops, transport design, various advertising materials and printing products (banners, booklets, posters, etc.), souvenirs, merch.
  • Create a clear image
    Usolye is too diverse in its meanings and symbolism. We need to use a dynamic identity. Wishes and associations: "having a high historical value", "modern", "comfortable", "beautiful", "understandable for a modern audience".

Usolye is a symbolic place where combines the past and the future, old and new, human and nature, folk art, crafts and industrial.
What is Usolye?
The first letter of the museum's name in Slavic spelling — "Усолье" — and the contour of the river where the museum is located have similar contours.This is a very fortunate coincidence, which we used to reveal the meaning of this place and its connection.
Usolye is a symbolic place where combines the past and the future, old and new, human and nature, folk art, crafts and industrial.
Usolye is a place of intersection of different meanings. A river on the real map and the river in logo concept acts as a symbol of infinity, history, life. A river is a waterway that brings the wealth of the earth to the surface and links the past and the present.